
I am excited about our new social media site – Pinterest

SSCA now has a great presence on social media, especially great as we look forward to celebrating the 50th anniversary of SSCA in 2013.  Here’s what’s happening and what it means to you, our membership, our alliance organizations and our twinned communities.  We are getting close to having a new web site.  Target date is October and it may happen sooner.  Our blog is working well and will be made more user friendly by the end of August.  The blog is currently the place to go for current information. 

But now we have something special with the unveiling of our Pinterest site.  If one picture is worth a 1,000 words – we now have more than a quarter of million worth on our Pinterest site.  Please see the attached information sheet on our social media, which includes Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.  All these sites are available today, but our refinements to Facebook and Twitter will not begin until September. 

Pinterest is the place where we can have an unlimited collection of current and historical digital images and videos  to provide anyone access to learn who we are, what we do and the community impacts we have made.  Consider it a pin board or even a refrigerator door where you have your favorite photos to informally share with friends. 

What’s in it?  It is broken into sections including a section for each sister city, great photos of Sarasota, Meet & Greets, Current Events, and Historic Collections.  Nearly 300 photos in all and more to come.  In fact, when you see something missing and you have photos you know need to be included, you can get them to me by email, disc or flash drive. Also – please advise of any corrections needed.

What can I do with it? This sight is not just to look at.  It is to share. It is our best opportunity to expand community knowledge about SSCA – bypassing the established news media.  It allows anyone in our twinned communities to learn more about Sister Cities (although all narrative is presently only in English). The main point here is we need to spread the word.  For example, it is simple to forward the address for our Pinterest site to all your friends and professional acquaintances. 

As a board member, add the site on the back of your business cards; create an email signature with both your email address and our Pinterest address. Share it with your counterparts in our Sister Cities.  Ask them to spread the word with their government organizations and to local news media. Use your imagination to get the word out on a wide scale.

What’s the address to get to the site?  To access the site just click on (or copy and paste the address in your browser address block)  
Navigation is easy.  There are currently 16 sections with photos.

Our Pinterest site created by Craig Hullinger, VP for Communication, provides a major leap forward in getting SSCA recognized and letting interested people know they can get involved as citizen diplomats with SSCA.

Tom Halbert
President, Sarasota Sister Cities Association 

·       Web:

·       Blog:

·       Twitter:!/SarasotaSisterC

·       Facebook:

·       Pinterest: