Thank You From President Halbert

Tom Halbert and Gayle Maxey
Now that the hustle and bustle of 2012 is over, and before we get lost in the shuffle of 2013, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you. Because really and truly, as President of Sarasota Sister Cities I am grateful. Grateful for each and every person who have dedicated his/her time, energy, money, and passion to making the Sister Cities association of Sarasota so special. Grateful that because the collective action of the passionate, active membership has supported our mission of making the world a better place. Grateful for the words of kindness and encouragement that has motivated all of us to do our volunteer jobs well every day.

That's it: just thanks.

We are excited about the new membership that has joined us in the past year and hope to connect you with our Sister Cities exchanges in 2013. We are excited about the initial special events that will kick off our 50th anniversary year including the One World Gala in March, the La Musica concert salute to Sarasota Sitter Cities in April and our hosting the Florida Sister Cities State Convention in May. More anniversary events are in the works. We are excited that we will finally have a new web site up and running shortly (we are about 80% there), we are excited about the timely blog and social media innovations we have initiated and we are excited about the travel opportunities available to Russia and Italy in 2013 and to Israel in 2014.

But above all, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any thoughts on how we might better serve you this year. All of us are smarter than any one of us.

Tom Halbert

President, Sister Cities Association of Sarasota, Inc

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