Social Marketing Plan Update

We continue to strive to improve our Sarasota Sister Cities Social Marketing program. We have made a few changes.

We now have two simple addresses for our blog and Pinterest Page. Our rebuilt Web site is near completion and will continue with its address. We have merged our two Facebook pages into one and simplified more addresses.




The systems below require you to join

Twitter !/SarasotaSisterC


Our blog and Pinterest page will be tightly integrated with our new Web site. We are trying to apply the KISS (Keep it Sweet and Simple) formula to our Web site to make sure that it does not suffer the same fate as our previous web site and the web sites of most not for profit agencies - seldom updated.

Our blog is our first line of attack. We post all items of interest on the blog. Then we update each one of our other social media systems with the information.

You don't really need to use Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook to follow Sister Cities. Their principle value is to attract new and younger members to our organization.

We welcome help out with our social media. If you would like to start posting to the blog or to our Pinterest page we will give you the codes. You can post now to our other systems via your own account. You can also email posts to the blog - end me an email if you would like the address.

I will be glad to train anyone who is interested.  Tom and Gayle have done an outstanding job on our Pinterest page, and it is a great pictorial history of the organization.

Thank you for your help.