Sister Cities International maintains a list of all the Sister Cities in the world. Click below to see which cities are connected.

View it in your browser.


2014 Membership Directory

Dear Sister Cities International member:

Have you reviewed the 2014 Membership Directory? If not, please 
CLICK HERE to download the latest updated spreadsheet listing current Sister Cities International members and their partnerships, as well as the corrections we've received in the past week, that as of now will appear in the 2014 Membership Directory. Please review this spreadsheet to ensure that your city and all of its partners are listed correctly.

If your city is not listed, is missing partnerships, has partnerships listed that you are uncertain of, or if there are any spelling errors, please email Adam Kaplan, Membership Director, at akaplan@sister-cities.orgThe comment period for the directory will be open until Thursday, February 20th at 5:00 p.m. EST.