Lectures Series Schedule

Dave Harralson gave another great presentation on "The Golden Age of Sarasota" on May 4 at the Selby Library. There was excellent attendance again for his second presentation.  

Based on the good response it was decided to continue with our own Sarasota Sister City lecture series and the schedule of lectures is given below.  The presentations will be followed by our Meet & Greets, hopefully at a nearby restaurant.  The locations for the lectures and Meet & Greets will be conveyed well ahead of the sessions.  Thank you to all our presenters, we know how much work goes into preparing the lectures. 

Each presentation should start off with one or two slides introducing the Mission of SCAS and our list of Sister Cities. The presentations will provide good exposure for SCAS, hopefully increase our membership and garner a bit of financial benefit.

Ray Young

Lectures Series Schedule
Sister City Meet & Greet will follow Presentations

Sept 16, 2015 Firth of Forth in Fife - The Scottish Contribution to the World, America and Sarasota 

William Wallace

Oct 21, 2015 Essential Oils & Perfumes of the World – An Olfactory 
Raymond Young, Ph.D.  

Nov 18, 2015 History of the Israel Connection to Sarasota-Manatee
Kim Sheintal

Jan 20, 2015 The Origins of the First Five Books of the Old Testament
Dave Harralson, Ph.D.

Feb 17, 2016 Flub-dub and Farfetchedness: China Behind the Travel Posters
Carolyn Bloomer, Ph.D. and Lolly Baerveldt

Mar 16, 2016 France:  A Tale of Two Cities: Paris and Perpignan
Emile Langlois, Barbara Frey, Eva Frank & Gloria Grenier

Apr 20, 2016 Polynesian Cultures of the South Pacific
Raymond Young, Ph.D.

A donation of $5.00 to SCAS is suggested for each presentation. All presentations will start at 4:00 pm and our monthly Sister City Meet & Greet will follow at 5:00 pm. Locations for each TBA.

For further Information, Contact:
Ray Young, Sarasota Sister Cities Assn
e-mail: aloharay4@gmail.com
phone: 941-225-1268