Social Network Report

Our social network is an effort to improve communication among Sarasota Sister Cities Members and other interested people. We have developed a Web site, Blog, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ pages. And of course we maintain a list of member emails.

We put the word out on the Blog. This information is updated on the other systems. 


If you are on any of the systems below link or like or connect with us. Then share photos or stories that would be of interest to other Sarasota Sister City Members.  Or you can email us stories or photos to and we will post them on our social media.

Let other people know about Sister Cities and ask them to connect with us. Our main site is our blog - this is the only address you need to remember. It provides the latest scoop and links to all of our other sites:

The more people interacting with our social media systems the better. It will take some time to reach critical mass on these systems - like it did with telephones, fax machines, and email.  We will teach a class soon on social systems to help people learn how to use them. But the best method is the Million Monkey Method - just sign up for a system and start playing around with it. Eventually with enough reputations - you will learn how to use it - just like you did with the internet and email.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ are very interactive. Anyone who joins our page can initiate communications and share photos and news items. The Blog, Web Site, and Pinterest page are not so interactive and are better to simply disseminate information. 

Our Addresses Below:​



We place most of our communication on the internet. This is of course Green, Sustainable and Economical - we save paper, printing, and mailing costs. And it is much faster than snail mail.  Examples below:

Craig Hullinger VP Communications
Sarasota Sister Cities
941 359 3627