Dunfermline - Sarasota Golf Tournament - July 27-August 2, 2014

Every other year Bob Antrim, longtime Sister Cities member and our Golf Chair par excellence, organizes the Sister Cities Golf tournament. It is alternately held here in Sarasota and in Dunfermline (Scotland). 

This year it will be held in Dunfermline, County Fife. The trip is usually for a week, the last week in July, but it really is determined by when Gerry McMullen, the Golf chair in DF, can get the courses.

FYI, the Chairman of the Board of Sister Cities in Dunfermline is Ben Conway. I am copying him on this email to keep him informed of the plans as they unfold. For any future correspondence on this subject I suggest you also copy him.

The intended date of departure is July 27th  and return August 2nd or anytime after that if they want to extend the trip to go someplace else.

We won't know courses until Gerry gets them lined up, but will be pretty typical of Scottish Courses.

The hotel where the visiting team & companions are staying is the Keavil House Hotel, it's very nice and located just outside of Dunfermline. The trip has to be paid by the participants, but all GOLF IS FREE.

Bob will check into pricing of Air and Hotel. 
The main thing is we would like to see if there is any interest from members of Sister Cities in making the trip subject to us getting them the information as to cost.

To expedite matters I suggest you email Bob Antrim direct, his email:  rwa7622@aol.com.

Please copy me on correspondence and don't hesitate to contact me if I can help.
Kind regards,
Pauline Mitchell,
SCAS City Director,
Dunfermline (Scotland).