Our social networking school went well. There was lots of interest and questions. And thanks to Natasha Leung for setting up a Instagram page for us. Instagram is the new program that young people are turning to - so they don't have to have their parents and grandparents sharing their Facebook page.
February 13, Thursday 2:00 to 4:00 pm - Class on Sarasota Social Networking. City Hall 1565 1st St, Sarasota.
February 13, Thursday 2:00 to 4:00 pm - Class on Sarasota Social Networking. City Hall 1565 1st St, Sarasota.
All members are welcome to attend. We will cover our Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest sites - how to use them. And we will discuss how you can use these tools to network with your family, publish your family stories, photos, etc. Your homework before class is to look at our sites below. You may bring your laptop.
Course outline sistercitiessocialmarketing.blogspot.com
Walk-ins are welcome
Courtesy RSVP to sarasotasistercities@gmail.com
Craig Hullinger VP Communications
Sarasota Sister Cities
Pinterest sarasotasistercities.us