Wish you a Very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year

Dear Members and Friends
of the Sister City Association of Sarasota,

"When President Eisenhower proposed the establishment of a program of affiliation between American and foreign cities on September 11, 1956, no one could have anticipated how successful it would become in creating imaginative and valuable exchanges in the fields of education, culture, youth, business, local government and professional expertise. 

All who have given of their time and talent in this effort can take great satisfaction from their accomplishments.”
-This was a statement by President Gerald Ford, when he took office in 1974.

This is and will continue to be true in our future and
I would like to thank:     

The City of Sarasota 
and all of our members and friends
for the steady support they have given us,
their belief in the work of the SCAS,
and most importantly, 
our accomplishments of this past year.

2016 was a very exciting year for this Organization,
however we cannot let this be the end of our accomplishments.

I encourage you to get involved in our Association.
I encourage you to invite others to get involved in our Association.
A tap on the shoulder can often go a long way.

Everyone has something unique to offer that can be a great help.

After all, our mission isn’t to only accept those that are the same as us,
But to accept that we are  all  different.

Let us all work together to make 2017 our most successful year yet.
I wish you all and your families and friends
a Very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year in 2017.

Marianna Janz-Wecke
President SCAS
Sister City Association of Sarasota, Florida